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HOME > J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol > Volume 2(1); 2004 > Article
The Toxic Exposure Patients of Daejon Province by Modified TESS Style
Jung Kyoo Park, Sung Phil Jeong, Seung Hwan Kim, In Sui Yoo, Joon Seok Park, Jin Hyun Yoo, Yeong Mo Yang, Si Kyung Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2004;2(1):1-6
Published online: June 30, 2004
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1Department of Emergency Medicine ChoongNam Hospital
2Department of Emergency Medicine ChoongNam Hospital
3Department of Emergency Medicine ChoongNam Hospital
4Department of Emergency Medicine ChoongNam Hospital
5Department of Emergency Medicine KonYang Hospital
6Department of Emergency Medicine KonYang Hospital
7Department of Emergency Medicine EIJ Hospital
8Department of Emergency Medicine DaeJeon Catholic Hospital

Purpose: A number of reports about the intoxicated patients have been introduced, but there were few multicenter studies. The purpose of this study was to analyse the patients with toxic exposure in the Daejon province. Methods: The patients who were presented to the four academic emergency departments in Daejon with toxic exposure were enrolled from January to June 2003. The collected variables were according to the form which modified from the Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (TESS) of the American Association of Poison Control Centers. Results: The toxic exposure patients were 362 cases which is $0.78\%$ of total patients presented to the emergency department. The most common exposure site was home ($84\%$). Eighteen percent of cases were exposed by two or more substances. The most common substance was the pesticides ($34.8\%$), and the non-prescription drugs ($32.6\%$) was followed. The suicidal attempt was the top reason for exposure ($67.1\%$). The route of exposure other than ingestion was $3.6\%$. Although the most patients left the hospital within a day, the average treatment period was 4.4 days. Thirty-one patients ($8.6\%$) were expired, and 22 among them were exposed to the paraquat. Conclusion: We reported the current status of toxic exposure in Daejon province by modified TESS style.

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JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology