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Kwang-Hee Yeo 1 Article
CT Findings of Perforation of the Stomach after Ingestion of Glacial Acetic Acid
Hohyun Kim, Seok Ran Yeom, Hyun Min Cho, Kwang-Hee Yeo, Jae-Hun Kim
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2018;16(2):161-164.   Published online December 31, 2018
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The ingestion of corrosive substances often leads to severe morbidity and mortality. Acids produce coagulation necrosis with a lesser degree of penetration, whereas alkalis produce liquefactive necrosis with penetration. Acetic acid is a clear, colorless organic acid with a pungent, vinegar-like odor. The ingestion of highly concentrated acetic acid (glacial acetic acid) may cause a range of complications. On the other hand, perforation of the stomach is extremely rare but it has a high mortality rate. This paper reports a case of perforation of the stomach after the ingestion of glacial acetic acid with suicidal intent in an otherwise healthy 76-year-old woman.

JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology