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Byung-Kuk Nam 1 Article
Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning
Young-Hee Choi, Byung-Kuk Nam, Hyo-Kyung Kim, Ji-Kang Park, Eun-Seog Hong, Yang-Ho Kim
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2004;2(1):31-36.   Published online June 30, 2004
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Three workers, field operators in lubricating oil processing of petroleum refinery industry were found unconscious by other worker. One of them who were exposed to an high concentration of H2S was presented with Glasgow Coma Score of 5, severe hypoxemia on arterial blood gas analysis, normal chest radiography, and normal blood pressure. On hospital day 7, his mental state became clear, and neurologic examination showed quadriparesis, profound spasticity, increased tendon reflexes, abnormal Babinski response, and bradykinesia. He was also found to have decreased memory, attention deficits and blunted affect which suggest general cognitive dysfunction, which improved soon. MRI scan showed abnormal signals in both basal ganglia and motor cortex, compatible with clinical findings of motor dysfunction. Neuropsychologic testing showed deficits of cognitive functions. SPECT showed markedly decreased cortical perfusion in frontotemporoparietal area with deep white matter. Another case was recovered completely, but the other expired the next day.

JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology